Tuesday 16 March 2010


Lying can be differentiated between barefaced lies and white lies. A "barefaced lie" is usually about something that one knows to be false and is told with a straight face and confident voice and body language, portraying to others that one speaks the truth. A "white lie" is often told as not to cause any offence or not to upset somebody and if uncovered would only lead to a minor discord.

Lying can hurt a person emotionally and can make it lose trust in the person that committed the lie, especially in a relationship. Also, lying does not give a good example to children and should be avoided.

In an article in The Sun Newspaper of 24 February 2010 the psychological coach, Darren Stanton, gives top tips for spotting fibbers, which include making eye contact, where a person looks to, what a person says, watching the hands, watching the lips, looking for twitches and in the case of woman see whether she blushes.

Why does a person lie? Is it to protect oneself or is it to get pleasure from misleading another person?

The Sun, (Online) 24 February 2010

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